Urban Farmstead Photography


Akos + Bernard work together with their two adorable children to maintain a lawn full of love and abundance. They seed, plant and nurture some of the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever seen, with loads of fresh veggies and herbs.

Akos wanted slow motion footage of her farm

Showing off all their seasonal plants with video, we intentionally created three full length videos & eight vertical shorts: Family, Farm, and produce. These videos can be cut into shot pieces for IG reels, stories and more!

Walking through their garden

Akos taught me all about many of her flowers, how she takes care of them, and how she packages them up with love for the world. 💕

You can visit their website at: www.replantedfarm.ca

Or over on IG: @re.plantedfarm

See some of our work below!


White Pine Yoga Studio


3 Apps that will help you take better video in 2023 PART ONE