Halloween in Puerto Morelos, Mexico

When we moved here a few months ago, we had no idea that our family would enjoy Halloween celebrations. We were fully ready to embrace Day of the Dead, and let go of Halloween!

But, to our pleasant surprise, Halloween has a place here in Mexico. We found out that it is actually gaining in popularity, and large celebrations take place throughout the country!

The evening before Halloween, we dressed up and went to the Port Side of Puerto Morelos. We were met with hundreds of children and adults dressed to scare! Trick or Treating was taking place at most of the local businesses, and man they know how to hand out candy. Our kids took home an intense amount of candy!

On Halloween night, we decided to hang out in our gated area, as they were having a Trick or Treating celebration. We met with a few other families, and did the rounds! Thank you Mexico!


Family Beach Photography in Puerto Morelos


My Experience with Bufo in Puerto Morelos, Mexico