Elevate Your Squarespace Website with These 3 Exciting & Unique CSS Codes

Squarespace is known for its easy-to-use interface allowing users and businesses to create stunning websites with ease. While they offer a large array of design features, diving into the world of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) opens up a realm of exciting possibilities. Let’s go over 3 exciting CSS codes that will add an element of uniqueness and creativity to your website.

1. Add a Border to Images

At the moment this is something that Squarespace doesn’t allow you to do very easily within their editor. Use the code below and select each image that you would like to border-ize.


/*Add border to images*/

#block-3f82a7621123e8b07423 {

border: 4px solid white; /* Change color and size as needed */}


2. Floating Elements for a Playful Touch

Would you like to add a touch of whimsy to your website? This piece of CSS code allows you to make certain elements float gently as you hover over them.


/* Make elements float on hover*/


:hover {transform: translateY(-10px);}


Apply this code to specific elements by adding the class 'element-to-float' to those elements within your Squarespace editor. As visitors hovers, the elements will gracefully move up and down, adding a layer of interactivity that captivates attention.

3. Text Shadows for Dynamic Typography

Typography is a powerful design element, and adding some text shadow can apply drama and emphasis on your websites text. This CSS code allows you to experiment with shadows in your text.


/* Customize text shadow */

body {text-shadow: 4px 8px 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.5);}


Apply this code to your body text or specific text elements by adjusting the selector. The values in the 'text-shadow' property represent the horizontal and vertical offset, blur radius, and shadow colour. Tweak these values to achieve the desired dramatic effect and make your text pop.

Experiment with these codes, unleash your creativity, and watch your website transform into a dynamic and visually captivating online presence. Squarespace's versatility combined with these CSS codes ensures your website stands out in the crowded digital landscape.


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