Create a Carousel Instagram Post in Photoshop

A Step-by-Step Guide to Crafting Stunning Carousel Posts with Photoshop

Carousel posts offer a dynamic and engaging way to tell stories on Instagram. Adding multiple images to a post provides your followers with a more immersive experience. Not only that, Carousels contain multiple posts that require the user to swipe through, keeping them engaged with your post for longer. Let’s go through the few simple steps it takes to create an Instagram Carousel post within Photoshop. Not familiar with Photoshop but want to make one of these? I will be creating a version just for you soon!

Step One

Head into photoshop and create a document 1080px in height and your choice in width. The width will depend on how long yu want yourCarousel post to be. For example, I would like mine to be about 6 posts, therefore I will times 1080 by 6 to get my width.

Settings for Creating a Carousel Post in Photoshop

Step Two

Great! Once you have set the document parameters set, you are now ready to Slice the canvas into posts.

  • Head over to your Crop tool and right or double click. Then choose the Slice Select Tool.

  • Now right or double click on the canvas and select Divide Slice.

  • Choose the number of posts that correlate to your width parameters.

Carousel Canvas Photoshop

Step Three

Now for the design! To get you images into Photoshop, head to File, then Place Embedded. From here you add in each image sizing and layering them as you please.

Slicing a Carousel Post in Photoshop

Step Four (last step)

Yours should start looking similar to mine above. Once you are happy with your design you can now export. This process is slightly different from the usual save method. Click on File> Export> Save for Web. You will save this as a GIF file, and make sure you check All Slices. You can play around with these settings to your liking, or you can copy my settings below. Hit save, and you’re done!

Saving a GIF file in Photoshop

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